20 October 2005

Never say we are not impulsive!

Well, the other day we said goodbye to a good friend... this friend had been with us for some time. We liked this friend. But, as they say in the movies, we were "made an offer we couldn't refuse"

Ha Ha - it wasn't like that kind of offer, but we did get an offer on the camper, so we sold it...

It was a tough decision, but probably for the best overall... (damn, camping is expensive!)

I'll leave you with the words of Thoreau...

simplify, simplify, simplify


Design Goddess said...

You sold the camper??? Are you at least keeping the pink flamingo ice cubes I bought you as a camper-warming gift???

Skiingred said...

Don't worry - they are in my freezer!

Design Goddess said...

Whew! Travesty averted!!

Phats said...

Nice job can you buy me a car now?

So, who do you want to win Survivor??

Skiingred said...

um, sure -- I'll buy you that car... let me get right on that....

Survivor -- Steph would be cool... I'm liking Amy... I did like Judd until he drunk talked tonight...Rafe would be my long shot!

What about you... I guess you could post a blog about it, but noooooo, someone had to go on blog strike and just post to comments *)

Phats said...

haha ya ya!

I love steph mostly cuz I think she is hot. She is coming off a little pouty this time though. I like Dani too, mostly cuz she outted Gary! Any chick that knows her football that well rocks in my world.

Skiingred said...

Yes, but she could use a new pair of undies... I mean, talk about skimpy --- come on!!!!
