05 October 2005

Jumping off the bridge because all my friends are doing it.

Since so many of you are posting the hotties, and who couldn't look at cute guys all day :) I'm going to share my own...

Shia Labeouf... I love watching him!

(Holes is a good movie - but the book explains things so much better!)

The best thing... He's legal, now!


Phats said...

Is this a joke? Shouldn't you post your husband's picture? is he jealous of Lewis Stevens? hah

Skiingred said...

We have an understanding.... let's leave it at that!

Kiss kiss, honey!

Skiingred said...

also - don't think he knows about this one... Brendan F, he knows about...

Skiingred said...

and no joke -- the kid's hot!

Design Goddess said...

I'm just glad you waited until he was 18 to state the fact that you think he's hot. Otherwise, that would be creepy.

Does Chad know about George and your many other fantasies??? ;)

I Think I've Gone Mad said...

ok guys you asked for it this is bloggy war.... i'm going to post hotties for weeks... and you cant stop me because i'm totally insane and have no life.... therefore you will be seeing several posts of "my hotties" in the near future...

Phats said...


Design Goddess said...

You boys always have to copy off us women, don't you?!

I Think I've Gone Mad said...

yes we never have original ideas or thoughts without you... why even ask that question... but you still can't live without me...

Design Goddess said...

no, no I can't! You're so right about that! :*