15 September 2007

Out of the mouth of babes...

At the gym the other day (Yes, I'm getting back in shape) Izzy is in the locker room with me. As she climbed out of a locker (no, I didn't put her in there - she went voluntarily) we had the following conversation:

"I want a mustache."

"Why would you want a mustache?" I inquire.

"So I can go in the boys locker room."

"And you'd want to go in the boys' locker room because...?"

"I just want to see if they have the same stuff as we do in here."

Kid logic is wonderful... never mind the fact that a 6 year old would look silly in a mustache... Izzy is convinced a mustache will make her pass as a guy.

I tell you - it's never a dull day with her around!

1 comment:

Design Goddess said...

That sounds like Izzy! :D

So, did she get the mustache?!