17 September 2005

"Saucy Secrets"........ RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!


A little background... I'm 34 years old. I'm about 100 pounds overweight, and I love to eat. With that said would someone please tell me what in Heaven's name this is a picture of. It looks like some kind of mutant chicken vomit.

I thought I was going to be funny. I typed in to the Google image search "sex with chickens". Now mind you I thought this would be amusing to find a pic of some jackass trying to have sex with a chicken. Instead I get this very disturbing picture of this God awful chicken abomination. Please if you don't mind take a look at the description. 4 "CRUMBLED" chicken "PORTIONS" filled with "TANGY" cheese sauce. I don't know that I have ever heard cheese described as "TANGY." I can just imagine.... "Hey Michelle have you tried these new crumbled chicken portions? Man that cheese sure is tangy."

Saucy Secrets it sounds more like a cheaply made porno than it does a chicken dish. Bomp chick a bow. Bomp chick a bow bow. Little bit of porno music for you there. Hey maybe they could make a porn of two chicks eating Saucy Secrets crumbled chicken portions and getting covered in the cheese... Hell who needs whipped cream when you've got tangy cheese sauce.

OK OK I've run this as far in the ground as it will go. So gentle blog reader I think I'm going to go puke up my dinner after staring at that picture for the last 10 minutes...


Phats said...

That's disgusting I am not sure what's worse that or that big n tasty. For the record I wouldn't eat either! But then again I am on a healthy eating diet right now.

I was hoping you were posting the yearbook picture, but design might get pissed haha :)

Design Goddess said...

you guys sure have weird things in southern ohio!!!

Can you find these at the local "pick-n-Save?"

Anonymous said...

no no they must sell them at...Aldi's(not quite sure if that is how you spell it...lol