14 September 2005

Daily Led Zeppelin

Way back when I actually drove to work, I spent about 45 minutes each way. (For my area, that's a long time!) It never failed... every day, on at least one of the stations I listed to, I would hear a Led Zeppelin song. This became my "Daily Led Zeppelin". It's almost a sure bet that if I am in the car for any amount of time over 20 minutes, I hear a classic Zeppelin song.

Today's Daily Led Zeppelin on my Burrito Run -- "Heartbreaker"


Phats said...

Ha I think you need to blog about your Daylight Savings Time Switch Adventure. Chad stopped by and told us it's quiet funny, and how can you go to see Garth Brooks and not take Chad!! I would have loved to have seen Garth, was the show good?

Chad thanks for stoping by, I suck at poker I prefer euchre ha :)

Skiingred said...

Euchre rocks!

Design Goddess said...

yeah as long as you know how to play and don't renig on your partner!!!