13 July 2005

With hubby away

Well, it's been a few days, and I already feel like I am back in college. I haven't seen dear hubby for some time (and no, he's not playing cards!) He's out of town for business. OK... that sounds bad, like he's up to something he shouldn't be, but trust me he's there. I called work to see!

So, Iz and I have been hanging out, windows open, no AC because we like it that way! The pool's been very nice, although a bit chilly yesterday and rainy today. I've kind of cleaned the house, but hey - he's not coming back until Friday, so I've got time.

Just finished Julia Quinn's book It's In His Kiss, which would have to be my second favorite after Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. I've been on a Regency kick lately - even saw Vanity Fair last night.

Other recent movies: Napoleon Dynamite; Mean Girls Both were amusing to watch.

Ohhh - check out my profile to see my new picture and also my wish list. Haven't had time to add too much to it, but feel free to buy me stuff!!!!!!


Design Goddess said...

Nice pic! And um...I looked at your wishlist, shouldn't those books be called "BLADES of grass???" Just curious.

And be careful with hubby away....don't have TOO much fun!!!! ;)

Lata playa

Anonymous said...

No, it's LEAVES of grass...you geek. Helloooo - poetry. Geesh, doesn't anyone read my stuff anymore!