17 July 2005

Hello my name is Lisa and I'm a Harry Potter Geek

Yes, I was one of THOSE people. I went to my local mall last night, about 11:15 and waited to get the latest HP book. Fortunately, I had my name down on the list ages ago, so I could get a ticket, witch entitled me to up to 3 copies. I was number 86 to go in the store. I only got one, though. And a chocolate frog - yummy.

I didn't dress up, but there were a few who were dressed up. Also, I think I was "cursed" or maybe even "jinxed" by some punk 10 year old. He was sitting on one of the benches in the mall, paging through the green tome, and as I walked past him on the way to the exit he muttered something - I didn't catch it. I didn't even bother to turn around, but I do know no one was behind me. Now if only I could figure out which curse he used....

So I get in the car, it's about 12:20 by now, and head to Tim Horton's for 2 Iced Capps... was home and started reading by 1am. Chad, however, was teasing me with the spoilers he heard on the radio. I didn't want to hear them - told him he could tell me in a few hours and in went the earplugs.

I was making great progress through the book - Harry was back at the Hollow with Ron, and suspicions abound about certain characters. No big scenes with Dudders, though - I kind of liked those. He heads back to school on the Hogwarts express, where there is lots of kissin' going on. Oh, and something happens to Harry, which he probably had coming. Anyway - could only read for about 4 hours last night, and Chad came in and we, um, talked. (Decision: Read HP or talk to hubby that I haven't seen in a week - you make the call.)

So it's morning, read off and on, (went swimming, attempted to clean the house and thought better of it,) and finished the book by 7 pm. Later than I did want to finish it, but hey I finished it. Chad read some of the last chapters to me as I was getting the Izster and myself ready to go to dinner.

My review: its good. I think I liked Order of the Phoenix better, but this one has some suprises. I love Rowling's descriptive language and how she develops charcters as foils for one another. Oh, and the spoilers Chad heard on the radio - correct!

Grrr... how long to I hav to wait to find out how the series is going to end!!!!

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