05 July 2005

An open letter to....

Hello, and you know who you are!

I just wanted to remind you that you really should leave things alone, especially things that involve the TV. I mean, I like my TIVO, and right now, it's feelings are hurt because it's taping a blank screen. It is taping a blank screen because someone has decided to mess with the satellite to get a better picture. In messing with the picture, you managed to totally dislodge the dish, and also to conk yourself in the head (I hope you fell better, though). Next time, just leave it alone. Know when you are in over your head. I have learned this lesson the hard way. We still have a kitchen sink (a leaky sink is better than no sink!) and it's only because LifelessID and myself decided to let someone else deal with it. (Well, that, and we couldn't get the main water valve off, but that's a different story.) True, the post the dish is currently on is rather shaky. Wood fences tend to get wobbly after 20 years. Also, screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place. (Bolts that go through metal, may also fall out, but they . must have really wanted out of the holes because it takes a lot to get those puppies out!)

While you may find it amusing to sit with a walkie -talkie and listen while I sing "Mellow Yellow" to the clicking of the signal tester, it does get rather boring. Having a 4 year old try this isn't a good idea without supervision. I hope you weren't taking her advice, as I've discovered she just likes to shout random numbers into the walkie-talkie while playing on the computer.

You are good at so many other things. Stick to them. They make me happy, and keep the tv signal coming in clear. Leave the mechanical things alone until you have more practice, or at least until you are going to be home without TV as well.

I love you.


I Think I've Gone Mad said...

OK OK so I'm not a fix it kind of guy... At least I'm making enough money playing cards to pay someone to fix what I break... Love you too honey....


Skiingred said...

Wait, how do you know who the letter is to? I never said it was about you (as Carly Simon sings in the background...)'

Skiingred said...

I love you, sweetie!

Design Goddess said...

Who needs a counselor when you've got a blog, eh?