06 July 2005

Good idea/Bad idea

Good Idea:
It's a good idea to store unwashed dishes in the oven when you have company over.

Bad Idea:
It's a bad idea to forget about them for several days after company leaves.

Good Idea:
When limited on counter space, it's a good idea to store your now clean dishes on the stove, while you wash others, until you can stack them and put them away.

Bad Idea:
It's a bad idea to turn the wrong burner on when you are cooking and doing the dishes, especially if dishes are stacked on a burner.

As a side note: If anyone would like to replace the broken dish (um, why the above is a bad idea) click here

1 comment:

Design Goddess said...

Um...sorry to hear about the dishes (both outdoor and indoor ones!), however, I don't think I'll be able to replace that dish for you. Speaking of money...did you tell Chad how you "saved" money on the merchandise purchased for the plumbing repair? At least you didn't have to get a second job to pay for it.....just a leechy friend! :)