20 July 2005

I am so cool, and let me tell you why

I have just figured out how to delve into the brains and guts of my computer and find the 25-character code for our Office update..., and let me tell you, it was no easy task.

I am also cool enough to figure out how to add cute little kitty cats to my Firefox browser... they are so cute.

Ok - enough with my coolness.

Don't you just love that picture? It's title: Princess Lisa On Crack... not that I'm a princess or on crack {Crack is whack} or anything, but I was having fun with the image editor. tee hee

Just finished reading Breathing Room by Susan Elizabeth Phillips... good story... I want to run away to Tuscany for a while and hang out with hunky Italian men - I bet I could get lots of dates in my hot purple dress! SEP will be the keynote speaker next week at the RWA National Conference I am going to next week -- eek I am so psyched up for the trip! Just what I need to get more motivation to write :)

Going off topic, (had a THIC* earlier) what is up with Gwen Stefani singing about B-A-N-A-N-A-S I dont' get it? Oh, and in the song "Rich Girl" Eve is not singing about "Jew Cool Girls" but the Harajuku Girls. (See previous Lola post about my views on song lyrics.) Who knew!

*Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino

1 comment:

Design Goddess said...

Um...perhaps you NEED the crack just to explain the pic! Psycho chick!!! :) But you really are the coolest cat I know, so don't change, baby! (wow! Was I just writing in your yearbook or something? Sure sounded like it. Ugh)