06 July 2005

Ironton...what more can you say...

Found these interesting links today....

City of Ironton

**all the info you ever need for the city

History of Ironton
** this is from a site about Ironton Footbal (yes, you have to capitalize both words, even when you speak about Ironton Footbal)
**A few paragraphs down, read about Buckhorn -Yep - that's where I lived when I first moved here, "Ironton was a typical river town with an active "red light" and "bootlegging" district around Third and Buckhorn Streets"

Our Welcome sign, plus a story.

I didn't know this about money.

Pictures of the '37 Flood (note to self: take pictures from today in the same spots!)

Nevermind note to self, some are already taken: current pics of Ironton

This is just down the road from me...Rally on the River

How could I leave out the Grand March.... notice the flowers, some are bigger than my wedding flowers, and I had a good size bouquet! Oh, and a prize goes to the one who can spot the orange tux.

Scroll down about 14 pics, and you'll see mention of some of my former students!

Cool postcards from the state of Ohio! (including Ironton.)

Ironton-Russell Bridge then and now

Why Birds love Ironton.

I guess I'd better lock my doors! Murder!

At the Pen... if this were r reported today, I am sure it would be violating all kinds of "civil rights"

OK enough for now...



Design Goddess said...

Orange tux....now THAT's coordinating an outfit!!! Kinda reminded me of STLS colors! I don't think I could handle parading around town with my prom date...esp when at our 11 year reunion he said to me "you was my prom date, weren't ya?!" To which I replied "yeah" and kinda walked away. Shoulda gone stag!!!

Skiingred said...

Well, yes, that was a little creepy (last year, and 11 years ago, or is it 12 by now? Ugh - that's why I chose English rather than Math!)

And we all know about creepy now don't we. uh-hem.

Design Goddess said...

yes we know about creepy! And no, I don't want my raisins. You can have them! Also it's 12 now.
