26 March 2005

Who needs bon bons when you have Carmel Hershey Kisses

The housewife... is that what I am? YES... and I love it. And after all this time of having feelings of guilt for wanting to stay home and raise my daughter, I find out I am not alone.

Now, I did grow up as a latchkey kid (do they still have those anymore?) with a working mom and dad, and am I hurt by it? No. If anything, I learned the value of working hard and providing for your family. I also learned that every moment we spend with our kids is precious, and not to be wasted. I had fun as a kid, but it is even better when you have one of your own. (Even though there are many times you find yourself wanting to say "Not now..." you can't say those words to your kids... It's not good, and I really really try not to. (and it is very hard not to, when I am working - that's a guilt trip for another day!)

I love staying home and playing with my daughter. I love making messes on the kitchen table with paint and other crafts.

Ok - I don't love the cleaning up part, but I'm getting better at it. One reason, Aggie and Kim, they make cleaning the house interesting (love the gloves) and also show me that I am not as messy as some (ahem) would think. If I could walk in high heels, I probably would while I clean the house, but I have comfy slippers instead. I only have one set of good pearls so wearing those are out (besides, they would really clash with my Rick Springfield shirt.)

Desperate Housewife? I've only seen about 10 minutes too much of that show, and it was ridiculous. But I did catch the Oprah version of DH, and let me tell you - there are some strange people out there. But am I desperate? I don't think so... well, only when I don't get to watch Days everyday. (Can you believe Bo? He is such a moron when it comes to Billie)

I don't want to be a perfect domestic diva, making everything from scratch (even though I like to think I can in my head). I just want to have fun with my family, take care of my family and house, and be happy with who I am. I may not leave the house everyday for my job, but my life is my job. (So sometimes, this means that , I go without bathing for a day or two -OK 3 - but that's only if I forget what day it is.)

Thank you to all of the hard working ladies who broke through the glass ceiling and proved to everyone that women CAN succeed in the career world; for showing that women can attend colleges for more than just finding a husband; for bringing wonderful ideas about flexible child care and the family leave act to reality. Without the foremothers who struggled with tough decisions only a working women can understand, I wouldn't have the flexibility I do today to work from home, take care of a family and raise a child. I love what I do.

Now where are my Bon-Bons?


I Think I've Gone Mad said...

you know what's great about you... you do all the stuff you talked about and work your butt off as an "online teacher." It's the only way I know to describe what you do... You're the greatest wife / mother / homemaker / teacher a man could ever ask for and i'm the luckiest man on earth to have you all to myself...

B said...

You're a wonderful Mom, wife and daughter, Lisa. I'm so glad God gave me you to enjoy. (Makes me feel like I might have done something right along the way!) Love 'ya, bunches. MOM

Design Goddess said...

I can only hope to achieve said domesticity.....still searching for that sugardaddy to make it all possible! ;) Lisa, you are my idol! You get to live the dream of so many mothers...spend time with your family AND bring home the bacon (ok you're actually not bringing HOME the bacon since you're already AT home, but you get the point!)

Ahhhhh....perhaps someday....