20 March 2005

Free School

I saw this on the news - this is a horrible abuse of our educational system.

Free School? Fox news
(Its a video segment, you may have to look for it under a side bar or something)

Am I dening the right to an education in the US? Absolutely not!

Am I questionioning whether it is right? Yes I am.

How can we expect the students (legal or illegal) to perform well? For teachers to do their job and TEACH, when they are faced with so many problems in the classroom? How can a school district allow such actions to happen? The testing results alone (ohhh, let's bow to the almighty TESTS) should be enough for the district to wake up and take a look.

It's not like these students are coming over from one district to play sports in a different district (where the money would follow the student) In this case, they are totally freeloading and abusing the Public school system. Unless of course the busload of students being picked up at the border to go to school in the US are from American taxpaying people(by that I mean paying taxes in America, not necessarily American citizens- have to explain my PC lingo), who are kicking in money to the school district through their taxes.

What can be done? I don't know - perhaps a transitional school that is funded by the illegals and the state until the students are ready to attend public school. Here they could learn English in a least restrictive environment, they could also learn Math, history and the other necessary subjects, such as CITENZENSHIP. The illegal students would not be hampered by students who live in the district, and can understand the teacher. The district students who have a right to an education in the least restrictive enviornment would not have to wait for the teacher to translate everything into other languages, and can move at a pace best suited for the class. Oh wait, this would be tracking the kids, and that could be bad.

As an educator, this report makes me so mad (not the reporter or anything - just what the report is about.)

I'll wait to hear the other side before I say any more.


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