18 March 2005

Fried Brain

I was just reading over my last post and realized I used ensure when I shouldve used assure in one sentence. Sometimes my brain is fried. Probably just too much Cat In The Hat or something.

Oh yes kind and gentle reader we here on Delaware have managed to Tivo "The Cat In The Hat" with Mike Meyers or whatever his name is. The guy from Austin Powers. Just as I thought would happen my darling Isabella wants to watch this god awful piece of cinematic drivel 45 fricking times a day. She makes jokes and calls it Rat In The Hat and oh how right she is. The highlight of the film would be when the real estate agent Mr. Humberfloob (played by one of the homosexuals on Will & Grace) is introducing one of the new employees who shakes his hand. Mr. Humberfloob is obviously a littlle on the OCD side and he tells him he is FIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEDDDDDDD as he squirts his hand with about a pound and a half of hand sanitizer. Yes ladies and gents that is the highlight of the movie. Well that and seeing Alec Baldwin covered in purple paint. It is a kid's movie but so was Old Yeller and that was a freaking classic. I guess they just don't make movies like they used to.

So it's 8:44 am and I should be playing some online poker but like our Lifeless ID student
I'm procrastinating and not really in the mood. It's not like it's a job or anything I have to do like a freaking DESIGN PROJECT!!!! She did make the deadline. Maybe soon we could hear the grade she received? She seems a little too busy for that as there are stories of perverted boys lifting girls skirts and other stuff to blog about. Fine by me, I love those stories. I like to look at Lisa's old yearbooks and stuff. I was looking at some pictures the other day of her high school days and she was like way hot. She says none of the guys thought so but more than likely they were intimidated by her. She's not exactly shy and I'm sure she never was. Lucky for me I found her and the rest is HIS TOR Y.

OK I've blogged myself silly now so gotta go fishing on Party Poker.

Oh yeah and I just heard that Ironton may have to play Jason's high school in the state basketball finals if they both make it... That should be fun win or lose...........

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