16 April 2006

Lost and Found on Easter

Happy Easter everyone -- whether or not you celebrate the day, I hope your day was full of nice weather and happiness.

Here are the highlights of our day... with pictures (Apologizing in advance if the page takes a while to load)

1) Had family over for a lovely pot luck lunch - the food was great, but more importantly, the company was wonderful! We had great weather, and it's a good thing they left when they did -- the clouds came in not long after they left.

2) Here is a pic of Izzy's flower from her Papaw -- isn't it cute!
3) And while I was taking the picture of the bunny flower, I took one of my table as well. I have always wanted a table that I could decorate with cool and interesting place settings. Yeah! Now I have one -- If only I can stay away from Bed Bath and Beyond long enough to save my wallet from spontaniously opening to pay for new settings!

4) And yes, that's Izzy spinning in the background with her singing and dancing bunny, here's a better view.

5.) BUNNY BREAD! Way overpriced, but how could I pass up such a cute bunny!

OK, so he's missing a leg here.

Izzy re-enacting a scene from Night of the Living Dead, above.

Yummy! Brains!

6.) And last - I am convinced of Karma (or Carma, as Earl Hickey calls it.) I lost my purse on Friday. I thought I had it with me - Chad was diligent about searching for it - we looked everywhere! I even called the places I had been on Friday, hoping someone must have turned it in. The only thing I was really concerned about was my rosary -- everything else could be replaced (well, except for my metal case I use as my wallet - DG, you know what I mean - I liked that thing as well, and have yet to see another like it.)

So we looked and we looked, and our friend, bless his heart, dug through our icky garbage even to look for it (yes, I'm a bit of a scatterbrain, and may have thrown it away!) So he drives by Kroger on the way home, and goes in to ask for it. Mind you, I did call earlier and they didn't have it in the lost and found. He asked if it could have been anyplace else, and it was turned in to the safe. I couldn't believe they even gave it to him. (He did describe the my metal case and gave my name on the ID). Yeah! I know have the purse and everything was intact. I'm guessing that since I don't put my SSN on my driver's license, it would be harder to commit Identity theft. But anyway, it's back, and I'm convinced that whoever turned it in, will have good Karma coming their way! Now it's my turn to do a kindess for someone else!

Hope everyone has a good week!


Design Goddess said...

you are one lucky woman there! My Karma would probably make it lost forever and ever and someone would find it and take my identity (not sure why they'd want it!) then rack up a ton of debt.

Your new place looks cool! Is that a new table? I can't wait to come down and visit!

B said...

Sorry about the bunny. George Romero can take lessons from you! Glad about the purse, however. One good deed does deserve another and I know you will follow through. Blessings to you all.

Unknown said...

Wow, Izzy sure has grown from the last pic of her. Is she not going to share some of her bunny bread with us??? :p
Glad you found your purse again. I'm always loosing mine LOL.

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

I could possibly make a run past the house. I would need directions though. hehehe.

I will be leaving Thursday morning for KY!

greatharvestpickerington said...

I am sorry also about the Bunny Bread. I am the owner of Great Harvest Bread Company located in Pickerington, Ohio. I want to thank you for your feelings and making us aware. I feel bad that you felt you were overcharged for the bread. Hopefully its taste was perfection!!! It is sold more as a work of art, or a center piece, rather than a loaf of bread. I promise you that we do not make any money on them as they take an extreme amount of time to make.
However I would like to offer you a free loaf of Honey Whole Wheat from our store as a FREE "please forgive us" offering for not explaining this upon purchasing.
WE DO LOVE ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS AND WANT YOU TO CONTINUE TO USE US IN THE FUTURE!!! We want to be everyone's everyday bread store. I do wish that anyone who has questions regarding our products, feel free anytime to come in a let me know how I can help. Just ask for Thomas!!!!!