A Nintendo Wii... well guess what folks, looks like we found the shooter, because we bought a Wii yesterday!
The above quote was from a very helpful Gamestop employee, who was giving me the low down on the game. The other employee was a bit confused, but I knew what he meant. Apparently, these games are a bit hard to find. I was going to get one for Chad's B-day a few months from now. I guess he's been trolling around Wal-Mart and Best Buy looking for one, and we just happened to see one at Wallyworld yesterday.
This is a really cool game system, especially for somone who grew up on the old 2600 -- a lot of the Wii games are more my speed. Can't wait for Izzy to get home so she could play!
Not fair I want one. The tennis game is a BLAST just becareful if you have ceiling fans
Can't wait til Wii can play! :D
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