12 June 2007

Summer Summer

Yeah! My last day of school is finally here! It's been a crazy few months, I've been extremely busy with getting senior grades lined up. UGH - It isn't like I haven't been warning them since, oh, October of the deadline for grades. But that's behind me now - whew.

So what do I hear when I wake up this morning? A stupid alarm clock. Mind you, it's not one of mine. I've looked at all 4 of them. My best guess is that it's my neighbors. There are a few teenagers across the street, and I think it may be one of those.

Izzy got her hair cut the other day, so did I a while ago... Izzy's looks really cute - mine can't really tell a difference.

Arrg! That alarm clock is driving me nuts!

1 comment:

Design Goddess said...

Yea for being done!!! Woo hoo!!!! :)