14 August 2007

Another use for Duct Tape

There are days I'm glad I moved away from the tri-state area. This is too funny!


Kingcover said...

This will be the new fashion in New York and Milan soon lol.

That's a sticky situation. What a nutter!!! There'll probably be copycat robberies now. LMAO.

I really want to know why the store owner's baseball bat at duct tape on it as well. Would it have been a meeting of two minds if he had used it on he robber?!

Phats said...

What an idiot that's hilarious!

Design Goddess said...

When I saw the "WSAZ" on the clip Glenn Beck showed, I KNEW it had to be from around your old hood!!!

And did that store guy say "poke?!"

What a loon!!! :D

Duck said...

Good old West Virginia, representing again. Well, I guess that happened in Kentucky, but close enough. I didn't know you used to be from around my current stomping grounds! I'll have to snoop around your blog now. Excuse me.