24 July 2007

malaise - subjective feeling of being sick, ill, or not healthy. The feeling is generalized, varying from mild to severe in intensity. It may be the lone clinical manifestation of malaria, or may accompany other signs and symptoms. (http://www.brooksidepress.org/Products/OperationalMedicine/DATA/operationalmed/Manuals/malaria/App6.html)

An indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of, or accompanying, the onset of an illness. Post-exertional malaise – feeling of debility following either physical or mental activities. (http://www.womenshealthmatters.ca/centres/environmental/chronicFatigue/Glossary.html)


I Think I've Gone Mad said...

Have a lovely day mailaisy


One entry found for hypochondria.

Main Entry: hy·po·chon·dria

Pronunciation: "hI-p&-'kän-drE-&

Function: noun

Etymology: New Latin, from Late
Latin, plural, upper abdomen (formerly regarded as the seat of hypochondria), from Greek, literally, the parts under the cartilage (of the breastbone), from hypo- + chondros cartilage
: extreme depression of mind or spirits often centered on imaginary physical ailments

Phats said...

my mom is sick right now, I am always baffled when people get sick in summer