21 August 2005

Two interesting conversations

This weekend, the fam went RVing... very nice place just south of Louisville, KY. On the way there, we stopped at a Taco Bell (Izzy's choice). After dining, I get up to use the restroom. It's locked. A few minutes later, Chad sees someone walk out, and I get up to go. The bathroom is in between the two doorways to enter and/or exit the building (DesignGoddess help me out on what those are called.) . An older lady is waiting for her ride - she had her walker, and I was waiting to see which way she was going so I'd know which door to hold for her. Out of the blue she states, and this is the exact quote: "That commode isn't working." I paused, and nodded, halting Izzy from going in case there is a potential problem. She continued: "I couldn't get my diarrhea to go down." I ask of you, gentle reader, HOW DO YOU RESPOND TO THAT????

Second conversation. I'm driving home from aforementioned RV trip. "Almost" by Bowling for Soup is on the radio. Chad and I are talking about how catchy their songs are, and how we want to download the songs from iTunes. As the song comes to a close, it comes up that the song "1985" is, I think, on the same album as "Ohio (come back to Texas)" I take a swig of my pop, and say, "You know, it may be just like Hysteria." (The Def Leppard album popular from 1986-89 or so, lots of hits for a long time.) Right before I speak the word "Hysteria" the radio blurts out "Step inside, walk this way/ you and me babe, hey HEY" and then the radio switched to another song. Man, talk about freaky shit!

(PS.. I was going to title this blog Diarrhea and DefLeppard, but I wanted you to be as surprised as I was about the lady's comments.)


I Think I've Gone Mad said...

Lisa you are honestly gifted at writing... You conveyed those two stories so much better than I could have... I enjoy writing but I just ain't no dang good at it... I always over emphasize my sentence endings... I think that's why I've just about given up on the poker blog... When you suck at something it's not really easy to make yourself keep doing it... You on the other hand are good, keep writing...

Skiingred said...

Chad... your voice is your voice.... let it shine!!!!! I enjoyed reading the poker blog... especially when I'm in it!!!!!! Did you ever write about the nite we went to the cab station????

Love ya

B said...

You say "Thank you for sharing that" and then go on to tell her about the time that your vomit woudn't go down the toilet and that you can certainly relate. This is our human side...everyone complains about hearing icky stuff, but we love it, don't we? (Only one word for it....ewwwwww!)

Design Goddess said...

Just think about all those patients who tell me that they can't come in for their appointment b/c of their diarrhea! As for what you tell her, you could just say, "hmmm. Thanks for warning me." Along the lines of what B said, you could always share how your friend puked in the sink at camp and it wouldn't go down the drain! That'll make their day! :)

And I told you we've always had some strange psychic ways about us. There are times when I hear the beginning of a song in my head and then it starts to play on the radio. Weird!!!!

Design Goddess said...

airlock is the term you're looking for :) Nice to know my education is paying off!

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely assured of it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, really. So happens. We can communicate on this theme.