22 August 2005

Stop feeling sorry for yourself Flanagan!

I just ran across an old journal I wrote in from the time I first met Lisa.  I wrote in it off and on (mostly off) from 1994 to 2002.  Most of it is me whining and complaining about missing Lisa and other various b.s.  

I wasn’t a very happy person.  I don’t know why either.  I had absolutely no responsibilities.  I worked two part time jobs and did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.  I didn’t realize how good I had it.  I wrote about a trip to Vegas with my parents and Dickie and Karen Marshall.  

Most of it was just me being me and complaining about my non-existent life.  The people I called friends at that time I don’t really see anymore.  It’s a shame, I really like most of them but I guess you just kind of grow apart from people.  Tim, D.J., Kevin, Steph, Craig, Alisha I don’t see any of them anymore.  They all have my number but none of them ever call anymore.  Tony has moved to Lexington so I probably won’t see much of him.

I have my family but I don’t really have any friends anymore.  I have Paul C. Jim  but if we didn’t talk about poker I don’t know what we would talk about.  It seems I know a lot of people but I’m close to none of them.  I’m probably just feeling sorry for myself because I’ve put Izzy to bed and Lisa is out with her writing group. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself Flanagan.”  (Tom Cruise in Cocktail) (Elizabeth Shue is smoking hot)

I downloaded this new blogger tool for MS word.  You type in your blog in word and then click publish and it logs you in.  I don’t know what the purpose is but for some reason I can come up with a lot more ideas when I’m in MS word than I can staring at a blank blogger page.  It’s amazing how the internet has changed in the last 10 years.  I remember being on AOL thinking it was the be all and end all of the net.  You know I invented the internet, right?  “Well tell me who is President in 1985 future boy.  Ronald Reagan?  The actor?  I suppose Jane Wyman is the first lady?”
I just checked with IMDB to make sure I spelled her name correctly.  What an amazing invention of the internet.  The internet movie database is INCREDIBLE.  I could look up crap for hours on end.  

OK that’s it I’m done stick a fork in me.  Just that quickly I’ve run out of things to say.  Oh and by the way Lisa, what I write it’s not “stream of consciousness.”  That was a very nice thing for you to say to try to make me feel better, but let’s call it what it is.  



Anonymous said...

All right -- if you want to call Faulkner crap, I won't stop you. I'll just let you deal with all of the people in Yoknapatawpha County!

Honey - I am very happy you are in my life. I wouldn't change a thing. (Well, except for that time at BB's, but you know.)

Design Goddess said...

LOVE the quote from Cocktail. I remember seeing that in the theatre with Mary. Her mom was awesome and would tell the ticket man we were allowed to see the R movies without her. (Don't tell my mommy!!!)

It's amazing what we find in our old journals. Mine were a lot of whining and crying too (still are). Guess that's what they're for; to allow us the whining and crying that others won't/don't tolerate.

About your other friends...if you have their numbers, why not give them a ringy-ding-ding? Maybe they're just waiting for you to call them??? :)