16 August 2005

Back to school!

She's back to school! Whoo hoo! This morning, due to our "Tranny Crisis" - the truck, not Cleo the transvestite - I had to take Chad to work... before DayLight! Then I took Izzy to School. She just went in. All I saw was her Eeyore shirt and denim skirt walking down the steps. Well, what wasn't covered by her new Bratz** Backpack*** They won't let the Pre-school parents down to the classroom - too traumatic, I think (for the parents, not the kids) She just marches on down, like I'm not going to miss her! I do, but it's nice having a little bit of "me time."

I did go to our local Fazoli's this morning. They do have free wireless and good coffee, so I know where I'll be working from now on 3 mornings a week!

** Is is just me, or do the Bratz dolls look a little "hootchie-ish"?

*** Her backpack is so big on her -- I swear she could fit in her backpack!


Design Goddess said...

how crappy about your truck. Whatcha gonna do about it?

I think it's a good idea to just let the little-ins go by themselves. It's probably like you said and too hard for the parents. My mom told me that she waited until the last day to register me for Kindergarten! Nice, eh? She didn't want me to grow up...STILL doesn't want me to and thinks I haven't!!! Ugh

B said...

Now you know why I LOVED back to school time!