07 February 2008

The Day Izzy Almost Got a Butt Whoopin'

Last night, as I was putting Izzy to bed, she made a startling statement. So startling, I was just floored to hear my daughter has a potty mouth.

Here's what happened... I get Izzy tucked in, with her stuffed animals and sleeping bag. She has her "fresh water," the closet is shut and bedtime story read. Now, it never fails that by the time I make it to the bottom of the steps, she has "one more thing" she wants to get to sleep. Trying to be proactive last night, I asked her if she needed anything else.

As her little head nodded, I asked "What, sweetie?"

She said, in the calmest voice, "kiss my ass."

My mouth dropped! I couldn't believe she would say such a thing for she usually refers to it as "the bad A word."

Izzy got a panicked look on her face and as I tried to explain that that kind of language is not acceptable, she started pointing to her forehead.

Then it hit me... she wanted me to "kiss my ash!"

The ashes left on her forehead from Ash Wednesday.

I guess kids to say the craziest things when they are missing two teeth!


Melanie Miday-Stern said...

ROFL!!! That's great! A teacher at me school was playing w/ lil man saying that she hoped that those racoons don't come and wash their apples in her tub. (mind you that they were talking about this the previous week at Pre-K). He got so excited that he said that if they came to his yellow swimming pool he was going to kick their ass. I was floored and embarrassed. Boy did he get it. GRRRRR

Have a great week!

Kingcover said...

WAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!! She would have looked really strangely at you if you really had kissed her ass.
I would suggest investing in a hearing aid ;-)

Phats said...

See this is why I would be a bad parent I would probably start laughing hysterical like I did when I read this. haha :)

Travis Erwin said...

Hilarious. The first year my son attended Catholic school he stomped out to the car on Ash Wednesday. It was obvious he was mad so my wife asked what was wrong.

"Monsignor rubbed dirt on my head and the teacher wouldn't let me wash it off."

He was four at the time.

Design Goddess said...

Told you you should blog about this! It was freaking hilarious when you told me about it!!!! I STILL laugh when I think about it! :D