22 June 2006

Daily Led Zep

Heard yesterday while we were eating:

Ramble On


Unknown said...

I don't want to appear to be thick because I kicked that habit a couple of years ago lol but what are these Daily Led Zep posts all about???

Have a good day Skii and family.

Design Goddess said...

haven't heard a lep song in a while...perhaps b/c I haven't been listening to the classic rock stations?? nah can't be it. :)

Skiingred said...

Gareth - just a little joke of mine, well it started out as a joke. A few years ago, I had to drive about 45 minutes each way to work. On the way there or back home, no matter what station I was on, it seemed, I would hear a Led Zeppelin song - it became my Daily Led Zeppelin song. I'm acutally one of those annoying people who can't keep a radio tuned to one station - I bounce around until I hear a good song.

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh okkkkkkkkkkkk thanks for the explanation :)

Have a great weekend Skii.