We must, we must, we must increase our bust.
That line is from a book read many times in my youth. Can you guess which one?
Highlight the text here to see which one, unless you want to keep guessing:
Are you There God, It's Me Margaret.
I found it at the library yesterday and couldn't resist getting it! I must have read it a thousand times when I was younger (OK, maybe 850, no joke). One of Judy Blume's books, reading it again wasn't quite the same, but it was still entertaining. Somehow, I didn't focus on the whole religion part of the book when I was younger -- I guess it was more the other thing (guys, I'll spare you) that my 9 year old mind was worried about.
Anyway, I found an old diary from a few years back where I kept track of my books read in a year, I only had about 210 (mind you, this was right after I had Izzy, so the number seems a bit low.) This year, I'm trying it again, to see how many I can get. Of course, writing down the books so I can actually remember to count them is another thing. I'll keep you posted on my progess with mini book reports (Yes, I'm a book nerd!) I've already read several this year, but I can't remember all of the titles, so I'll start fresh from today.