30 December 2005


Hello folks - I'm back to blogging. Now that our computer is back and almost normal, I can use it now! Whoo Hoo!

Daughter is in the tub... so this'll be short...

December went by in a blur, especially with no computer. For a while, I thought I came down with Avian flu, but with no fever and a huge appetite, I thought it was a tape worm, but it was just a stomach virus...fun fun fun. Let me say, my commode and I are best friends now.

I did see lots of family, which was great - got lots of goodies for Christmas (Magic scarf, anyone!) gave lots of goodies for Christmas which was fun.

Work is going OK - was on break for the past week and half, so relaxing, and I did get lots of things done I don't normally have time for.

But the best thing happened Christmas Eve. I get a call from my mother with news that I can now cross one more thing off my "Things to do in Life list:" Be on a Game Show! Her ticket was pulled for Cash Explosion, the state lottery game. I'm so Excited!!!! More info to follow, and I'll be sure to tell you all about it (Well, as much as the confidentiality agreement will allow.)

I hope everyone has a good new year! May good tidings and blessings come your way.


Design Goddess said...

I'm just sad the old cheesy hosts aren't on it anymore. I know you'd have TONS of fun with them!!! Can't wait to see it on the tele since I can't be there in person :(

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

Congrats on the ticket pull!! I am sorry I can't watch it here from LA. Bummer! Glad to hear that you have had a great Chirstmas. I hope that your new year is blessed with good things!


LBseahag said...

nice new look!

happy new year!