04 April 2007

It's Spring, I think....

Well, I know this is Ohio weather -- it was nearly 80 yesterday and SNOW tonight! It's piling up outside on the patio furniture.

The Izzster is up at her Nona's for a few days of her spring break... It's so quite without her here!

Today, on the way to work, I saw a tree on a wire - sparks and smoke were just starting to form. By the time I got my phone dug out of my purse, I saw the FD racing towards it... that's about it for my excitement for the day!Â

We are mostly moved in... yes, we've moved again (UGH - for me, this is my 14th move since starting college, boy do Ihave this down!)   Actually, we are only staying here for a little while... we found a place and are building in a cute town nearby. If all goes well - we'll move by September! The house is pretty cool, and we are selling out a bit, by going to "suburb-land" not quite Stepford, and I hope not over a burial ground, a la Polterguist! (Step into the light, Carol Anne!)Â

After just a few short weeks here, we've had a touch of mold in basement, the windows upstairs don't open (latches are installed wrong); the patio screen door has a "doggie door" CUT out of the screen; there is a big round patch of dirt (pool) that has 1 weed in it, int he backyard; our mailbox was demolished by some idiot driver; the fan is the fridge didn't work (55degrees in there!); Oh, and there is about 6 inches of space between our bed and the wall on one side, and the dresser on the other. Fun Fun Fun!Â

Off to enjoy American Idol -- My money's on Melinda or Lakisha or even Blake.Â



Anonymous said...

Apologies for the funky text... I'm trying to use FLOCK, and apparently, some of the text is not transferring...grrrr... and computers were supposed to make our lives easier!!!!

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

Hey there. I just wanted to stop by to say hello! I hope your Spring Break was good and your Easter even better!


Design Goddess said...

You know, when you mentioned a house being built on a burial ground, the first thing that came to my mind was Pet Cemetery!!! Creepy!!

Well, Thursday I go under the knife. Your overly used gallbladder will be on its way! :D